
Recently I've been playing a lot of disc golf, and when the weather is bad, watching a lot of pro disc golf coverage. I was also part of the team at ESPN.com that built fantasy baseball and other fantasy sports games back in the 90s. So I figured, why not put my experience building fantasy games together with my enjoyment of disc golf. And that's how FDGA.club came to be, I hope you enjoy it!

The process for the game is:

  1. Join a league with friends or strangers. The default limit is 10 teams in a league.
  2. Whoever created the league will have picked a draft time. At that time, the draft order will be set randomly, and a snake draft will begin. When it's your team's turn to draft, just click the "Available Players" link, filter and sort until you decide, then click the "Add" button. There's a 5 minute limit per pick, and a default selection will be made if you time out. The draft is over when each team has 10 players.
  3. All Elite Series, Silver series, and Major tournaments are included in our tournament schedule.
  4. Both MPO and FPO players on your team at the time each tournament starts will earn points for the following:
    • Best score in a round (1 point)
    • Winning tournament (10 points)
    • 2nd place (7 points)
    • 3rd place (5 points)
    • 4th place (3 points)
    • 5th place (2 points)
    • 6th-10th place (1 point)
    On the players page, you can see how many points each player had last season (this is also the default sort order).
  5. After the draft you can drop players, to free up room for free agents.
  6. At the end of the season, the team with the most points wins the league!

Things I haven't added yet, but hope to hope to before long:

  1. A more interactive draft, maybe even an auction draft.
  2. A way to trade players.
  3. A bench, to hold players that are skipping a tournament, but you don't want to drop.
  4. Customization! Including league size, team size, player universe, scoring system, and more.

Known bugs

  1. Whenever I deploy code, it will require you to log in again. Sorry about that.

This site is powered by Ruby on Rails and Postgres, and is hosted on Digital Ocean.

Thanks for visiting! This site is a work in progress and is not affiliated with the PDGA (or really anyone). If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at help@fdga.club.

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